Kategorie: Allgemein

Neujahrsempfang / New Year’s reception 12.1.2024

*Deutsch unterhalb*
Exciting competitions with high tech model gliders, that is the core of F3B.
You want to know more? How can you participate?
Join us for the New Year’s reception 2025 on 12. January 2025 13:00 UTC on Youtube.

Steffen Hoppe and Christian Rieger will host this short livestream on Youtube to give you a starting point for your journey into F3B!
If you already have questions regarding F3B, you can send a personal message to the f3b.de facebook page, via email to tm.f3b@contest-modellsport.de or in the Youtube livestream. We try to answer them during the stream.

And there is a raffle by Contest Eurotour F3B with prices to give away to all pilots that already participated in 2024.

Join live:
12.01.2025 13:00 UTC
Berlin 2pm
New York 8am
Los Angeles 5am
Sydney 12am
Tokyo 10pm
Ankara 4pm
Spannende Wettbewerbe mit Hightech-Segelflugmodellen, das ist der Kern von F3B.

Du willst mehr wissen? Wie kannst du teilnehmen?

Komm zum Neujahrsempfang 2025 am 12. Januar 2025 um 13:00 UTC auf Youtube.

Steffen Hoppe und Christian Rieger moderieren diesen kurzen Livestream auf Youtube, um dir einen Startpunkt für deine „Entdeckungsreise F3B“ zu geben! Wenn du bereits Fragen zu F3B hast, kannst du eine persönliche Nachricht auf der Facebook-Seite von f3b.de, per E-Mail an tm.f3b@contest-modellsport.de oder im Youtube-Livestream senden. Wir versuchen, möglichst viele während des Streams zu beantworten.

Außerdem gibt es eine Verlosung von Contest Eurotour mit Preisen, die an alle Piloten verlost werden, die 2024 bereits bei F3B teilgenommen haben.

12.01.2025 13:00 UTC
Berlin 2pm
New York 8am
Los Angeles 5am
Sydney 12am
Tokyo 10pm
Ankara 4pm

„Foocup“ 2024 – Training days , 24./25.8.

After Binningen was canceled, we started to think about a team training session. Markus was so kind to invite us, and five Foos met at the Windberg. And wind we have! Thickest ropes and even some thicker winch diameter to avoid too many breaking ropes. But still, we have quite a few problems.

Altitudes are amazing with very heavy ballast. speed times are low, we already managed to get below 13s. (Markus)

How is the training organized?

We prepared four winches for easy return of all ropes by one person. In speed, you fly all four winches once, then you rotate to the B base to press the button for the turns of the next pilot. Afterwards you get the flown ropes and help the next Pilot or modify your aircraft.

Thos works quite efficiently. we are also testing the picamtracker hard and software, but have some problems currently. Reliabiltity and orientation is not good enough for the very tightest turns yet. some more tuning will happen over the day.


wind is a little lower, but we still started directly with a breaking rope… hopefully not so many more today. We had around 15 yesterday. But of course we are flying some quite old and already repaired lines.

Weather is great with a bit lower temperature, but the sun already has power to make it feel quite warm.

We did several distance tasks today. Boy, do i have to do some setup optimization in the next weeks. It did not go so well for me. In both good and bad conditions…

Weather holded perfectly and we had an amazing weekend. A huge thanks to Markus for the invitation. We will gladly come back some time!

Now, we are on our way back home. But not for very long: Lünen is up in afew weeks and we will drive back up into the Pott!

Zwischenstand Nationalteam GER 20.7.2024

Finally it is a fair time to have a look at the current scoring for the German national team for the World Championship.
And we do have quite some changes to 2023.
First of all we have a change in first position! Steffen is now leading the score with a great run in 2024 so far.
Andreas is a little bit behind, with only a few competitions, but more upcoming. But even one more win will not be enough to get to first place again. The margins are really thin at the top of the list!
Jens came up quickly to third place. He had a really good but not perfect run in 2024. The one „bad“ result from last year with 95,93% is still in his score, this is probably going to change soon. (A result all pilots behind are usually only hoping for. Me included…)

For these three, everything is still open. Theoretically all of them can make first place.
Purely theoretical, Johannes Krischke and Matthias Neumann have a numerical chance to make it to the top three. I hope to see you both back in the competitions soon!
Frank Thomas had amazing competitions, but only three up to now. If we even get to three more competitions, he would have to score exceptionally well in all of them.

Basically this is the race for the top three spots already. Following this, there will still be a lot of changes depending on upcoming competitions. I am very happy with my current fourth place but am very aware that starting with me, the final accounting will only be done at the end of the year, and not before. (Yes, Matthias, I am referring to your saying: Abgerechnet wird am Ende!)
Markus Becker is very close. Karl Hinsch with impressive constant results in the 93% to 97% range is a special candidate with very good knowledge of thermals and a year 2024 that was rich in difficult duration tasks! Helmut Edenhofer can easily gain several points with another good result.
Reinhold Krischke with almost always over 90% is also not far behind. Steffen Hoppe and Karl-Heinz Schneider with a small gap, but especially in this range, one good results makes a big difference.

The full list: No guarantees, if you spot a mistake, please tell me!

RankName, First nameTotal points. 2023 and 2024 2 best each + 2 more best from both years2 best in 20232 best in20245. best6. best
1Besemer, Steffen 597.46199.59200.0099.0998.78
2Herrig, Andreas 596.12200.00197.9999.4598.68
3Buchert, Jens592.19199.01198.6898.5795.93
4Rieger, Christian576.54194.78191.7895.1794.81
5Becker, Markus 571.99191.02195.5693.7591.66
6Hinsch, Karl 569.15192.72189.1393.7593.55
7Edenhofer, Helmut 563.99195.44179.1395.7293.70
8Krischke, Reinhold 558.84190.49183.0993.1992.07
9Hoppe, Steffen542.87185.10177.1790.6889.92
10Schneider, Karl-Heinz538.41182.41184.6287.1084.28
Hortzitz, Armin 472.69192.11185.8594.730.00
Neumann, Matthias 487.35197.2297.4496.3796.32
Krischke, Johannes395.84199.510.0098.4997.84
Thomas, Frank291.72195.0996.630.000.00

Zwischenstand Nationalteam GER 2025 25.5.2024

Nachdem drei Wettbewerbe geflogen wurden und noch sechs anstehen, hier eine kleine Zwischenauswertung zum aktuellen Stand A-Kader / Nationalteam Deutschland 2025.

Da noch lange nicht alle Piloten dieses Jahr zwei Wettbewerbe geflogen haben oder gesamt nicht auf ihre sechs Wettbewerbe kommen, habe ich bei den Betreffenden den Durchschnitt der bisherigen Wettbewerbe dazu genommen. (abzüglich des schlechtesten Wettbewerbs)
Eine gültige Wertung gibt es bereits von: Besemer, Rieger, Hortzitz, Reinhold Krischke.

Es hat sich damit bislang kaum etwas an der Reihenfolge zu letztem Jahr (Jahreswertungen 2023, Zwischenanalyse Nationalteam 2025) verändert. Buchert und Krischke tauschen Plätze, hier kommt es aber primär drauf an wie viele und wie gute Wettbewerbe Johannes dieses Jahr einbringen kann. (Ich hoffe man sieht dich bald wieder!)
Frank Thomas habe ich nochmal auf die liste dazu genommen. Er hat aber wie Johannes Krischke dieses Jahr noch keinen Wettbewerb geflogen.

Interessant wird es also erst nach Dresden/Büllingen, wenn hoffentlich alle eine wirklich gültige Wertung bekommen.

RangName, VornameGesamtpunkte 2023 und 2024 je 2 beste + 2 weitere beste aus beiden Jahren2 beste aus 20232 beste aus 20245. bester6. bester
1Herrig, Andreas 596,77200,00199,0999,4598,68
2Besemer, Steffen 595,86199,59199,0998,7898,40
3Buchert, Jens 593,04199,01199,1898,9295,93
4Krischke, Johannes 593,04199,51(197,20)98,4997,84
5Neumann, Matthias 584,39197,22194,4896,3796,32
6Edenhofer, Helmut 577,30195,44(192,44*)95,7293,70
7Rieger, Christian 575,45194,78190,9095,1794,60
8Hinsch, Karl 569,15192,72189,1393,7593,55
9Hortzitz, Armin 567,23192,11188,8694,7391,53
10Becker, Markus 566,39191,02189,9693,7591,66
11Krischke, Reinhold 558,84190,49183,0993,1992,07
Thomas, Frank195,09195,09000
Stand: 25.5.2025, Unterstrichen: beinhaltet hypothetische Daten!
*bei Edenhofer wird Kirchheim 2024 wegen eines negativen Ausreißers nicht gewertet.